


When was HTML invented and by whom?


In the early 1980, HTML was known as GML general markup language. It was a powerful tool to creating a documentation language in  which one could mark heading, title, font selection, text and many more. In 1986 it was named as SGML standard generalised makup language and in 1989 Tim berner lee and his team design this language and named as HTML hyper text markup language. 

The  HTML language was modified many times to a number of versions HTML version 0 to version 5, and one of the latest version of HTML is :

HTML  :   It stands fo hyper text markup language which is a complete code package which enables the user to create web pages. It includes text and graphics. Using the HTML we can add links, pictures, animated videos sound etc. Hyperlinks are the highlighted links which connected to the other web pages.

HYPER TEXT  :   Hyper text is the text which is used to connect various web pages through links. It is a text on  a web page called link which on clocking opens a new web page.

MARK-UP  :   It means highlighted the text by underline or displaying it in different colours.

LANGUAGE  :   Language refers to the way of commmunication betweenthe web pages which has its own rules and syntax.


HTML became the most commonly used language to create and write web pages on world wide web. beacuse it is very simple to use and understand.
The major characteristics of HTML are :

> It is easy to use, understand and modify.

> It does not require and programming language.

> The users can add links on the web pages to visit other web pages.

> The users can add graphics, sound, video to web pages which give a attractive look to the document.

> It is platform independent language that means it can be displayed on any platform like window, Linux, Macintosh etc.

> It provide more flexible to design web pages.

> It requires only a text editor for coding such as notepad or Word pad. 


The basic structure of HTML documents has two sections: Head section and Body section.

Head section  :   The head section contain the title of the web page that identifies the first part of your HTML document.

Body section  :   The body section is the section where the user can do most of the work thet includes text, graphic, links and other HTML elements such as fonts, paragraph, list etc, which provide control and formatting on a web page.

The general format of HTML is :




Title of the web page




Text, which you want to show on your web page will
written here. 




The HTML is a tag based language. Tag is an element, Which instructs a web browser that what to show and how to  show. The HTML tag is inserted before and after the text which is written by the user. We can use various attributes in the tag that contain information and used for modify or customize the web page. Each tag give a specific instructions that enclosed in angle bracket < >.

> The <HTML> identifies the document as an HTML document. A HTML document starts with <HTML> and ends with </HTML> tag.

> The HEAD tag is the header of HTML document. It lies above the <BODY> tag and just below the <HTML> tag. It contain important information about web page but you will not to see it on your browser window because it does not contain any text within itself.

> The <TITLE> tag is used for given a title to a web page and is required in the HEAD of document. It  is a container element and can contain a maximum of 64 characters.

> The <BODY> tag contain the text which is displayed on the web page. Body tag allows the user to customize their web page with the help of  images, elements, headings, graphics, links to enhance the appearance of a web page.

Every opening tag of the HTML must have a closing tag. the closing tag has a forward slash [ / ]. But some tags in HTML only have an opening tag.

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