


Electricity || Types of electric charge || Electric circuits || Heating effects of electric current.

Electricity :-

We all know, that the electricity is an important source of energy in the present time because it use in our homes, industry, and in transport. without electricity the industrial revolution will not possible because electricity made industrial revolution possible. in industry electricity is used to run various types of machines, and in transport sector electricity is used to pull electric train.


There ae two types of electric charge: positive charge and negative charge. Those charge who acquired by an glass rod is called positive charge and the charge acquired by an ebonite rod is called negative charge. The important properties of charge is that :

1] Opposite charge attract each other. for ex positive charge attracts negative charge.

2] Similar charge repel each other. for ex positive charge repel positive charge and a negative charge repel negative charge.

The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb which is denoted by the capital letter C.


Those substance which allow electricity to passed through them is called conductors. All the metals are good conductors of electricity. The metal alloy like nichrome, constantan are also conductors but their electrical conductivity is less than that of pure metal because they are used for making heating elements of electric appliance. If a substance contain free electrons so they can conduct electricity. Human body is also a good conductor of electricity.

Those substance which do not allow electricity to passed through them are called insulators. All the non metals are insulators. If a substance does not contain free electrons so they can conduct electricity.


The electric current is a flow of electric charge in  a conductor. The SI unit of electric current Is ampere which is denoted by the capital letter A. Ammeter is used to measure current.


 The direction of electric current is from positive terminal of a battery or a cell to the negative terminal through the outer circuit. But the actual flow of electrons is from negative terminal of a battery or a cell to the positive terminal, which is opposite to the direction of current.


The continuously conducting path consisting of wires and a switch between the two terminals of a battery or a cell along which an electric current is flow is called a electric circuit.


Electric power is the electrical work done per unit time. The SI unit of electric power is watt. The power of one watt is a rate of working of 1 joule per second.


When an electric current is passed through a high resistance the resistance wire become very hot and produce heat and light. This is called heating effect of electric current.


1] The heating effect of electric current is used in electrical heating appliances like iron, toaster, kettle, heaters, oven, because they contain a coil of high resistance wire made up of nichrome alloy . They produce a large amount of heat energy which is efficient for us.

2] The heating effect of electric current is used in electric bulbs for producing light. When electric current is passed through the filament of electric bulb, the filament becomes very hot and emits light. Tungsten metal is used for making the filaments of electric bulb because it has very high melting point of 3380 degree C.
The electric bulb is filled with the chemically unreactive gas like argon or nitrogen because they do not react with hot tungsten.

3] The heating effect of electric current is used in electric fuse foe protecting household wiring. A fuse is a short length copper wire having low melting point and high resistance.

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