


Light || Reflection of light || nature and laws of reflection of light || Mirror


Light is a form of energy. Light help us to see objects and the beautiful world. we see images, peoples, reading books and magazines watch television is only possible due to the existence of light. we cannot see the objects in the darkness because there is no light. When we on the switch of light the light rays falls on the objects and the light reflected from the object and enters our eyes due to which we are able to see objects clearly. Light travels in a straight line.

Those object which emits their own light like sun, stars, electric bulb, torch, candle are called luminous objects. 

Those objects which do not emit their own light only reflect the light which fall on them are called non luminous objects. like= books, chair, flower, table, human beings, moon etc.


There ae relatively two theories about the nature of light. Wave theoryand the particles theory. According to the wave theory : Light is consist of the electromagnetic waves which do not require any material like solid, liquid or gas for their travel. The speed of light in air is about 4*10-7  to 8*10-7  m/s. The speed of light in vacuum is 3*108.

According to the particles theory : Light is composed of particles which travel in a straight line at a very high speed. The elementary particles who defines the light is called photon.


The process in which the some light rays is sending back when it falls on the surface of an  object is called reflection  of light. A polished surface reflect more light as compare to the unpolished surface. Silver metal is one of the best reflector of light because they have a shining surface and it reflect almost all light rays falling on it. We see many objects around us is only due to the reflection of light.


The law of reflection of light is given below :

According to the first law of reflection, the incident ray the reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same plane.

According to the second law of reflection, the angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence.  <I  =   <r.

The law of reflection of light is apply all kinds of mirrors, plane mirror and spherical mirror.


In a regular reflection, a parallel beam of light is reflected in only one direction due to  the plane surface. A highly polished metal surface and a polished wooden table also produce regular reflection of light.

In a diffuse reflection, a parallel beam of light reflected in many directions due to the rough surface. A sheet of paper, cardboard, walls, chair is also produce diffuse reflection of light.


When we see in a plane mirror, the right side of the body become left and the left side of the body become right side in the image. This effect of reversing the sides of an object is called lateral inversion. The image formed in a plane mirror is laterally inverted. The phenomenon of lateral inversion is due to the reflection of light.


There are mainly two types of mirrors: concave mirror or convex mirror.

1] A concave mirror is the part of a spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes pace from inner surface. Concave mirror is also called the converging mirror because it converge all the light rays. A concave mirror has a real focus. 

2] A convex mirror is the part of a spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes place through outer surface. A spherical mirror is also called diverging mirror because it converge all the light rays.  


1] Concave mirror are used by  dentist to see the large image of the teeth of patient.

2] Concave mirror are used in torches, as a reflector.

3] concave mirror are used In the headlights of vehicles for a powerful beam.


1] Convex mirror are used in rear view mirror in vehicles to see traffic.

2] Convex mirror are used as 'shop security mirrors, in many shops.

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