


Non conventional sources of energy || types || Advantages and disadvantages.

                        Non conventional sources of energy :-

Those sources of energy which are produced continuously in nature and cannot be replaced quickly is called non conventional or renewable source of energy.


This is a traditional way for making energy. A power plant that produce electricity by using the the flowing water to rotate a turbine which is connected to a generator is called hydroelectric energy. A hydropower plant used flowing or falling watr for generating electricity. A hydropower plant converts the potential energy of water into electrical energy.

Advantages of generating hydroelectricity :-

1] It does not produce any environmental pollution.

2] Flowing water is a non conventional source of energy.


The moving air is called wind. Wind contain kinetic energy. The wind has energy due to its high speed. The windmill is used for generating electricity. When the fast moving wind strikes the blades of a wind turbine the turbine starts rotating at a very high speed and the turbine is connected with a shaft and the shaft is connected with a small generator. shaft drives the generator anf generator produce electricity.

Advantages of wind energy :-

1] It does not cause any pollution.

2] The wind energy will help us conserving fossil fuel.

Disadvantages of wind energy :-

1] Wind energy farms requires a large area of land.

2] Instalation of wind energy farms is very expensive.


The energy obtained from the sun is called solar energy. Sun provide heat and light energy free of cost on every year. 
A device which get heated by using the sun heat energy is called solar heating device. 

Solar cooker :-

A device which is used to cook food by using the sun heat energy is called a solar cooker. Anyone can use solar cooker for cooking food. A solar cooker can cook type of food which requires slow heating.

Advantages of solar cooker :-

1] It does not produce smoke which pollute air.

2] Uses of solar cooker saves fossil fuel like LPG, coal and kerosene.


1] Tidal Energy :-

The high tide is mainly produce in sea dueto the gravitional force of moon. During high tide, the level of water increases and the water is passed  through the turbine of a generator and the electricity is produced.

2] Wave energy :-

The energy from the sea is also available in the form of sea waves. The high speed sea waves contain kinetic energy. The energy of moving sea waves is used for generating electricity.

3] Ocean thermal energy :-

The energy is available due to the difference in the temperature of water at the surface and at the deep level  is called ocean thermal energy. The device which converts the Tocean thermal energy into electrical energy is called Ocean Therma Energy Conversion power plant. [OTEC].


The energy released during nuclear reaction is called nuclear energy. This energy is released mainly in the form of heat. 
There are two types of nuclear energy.
1] Nuclear fission.
2] Nulear fusion.

1] Nuclear fission :-

The process in which the heavy nucleus of an atom is splits into two smaller nucleus is called nuclear fission. A lot of heat energy isproduced in this reaction. This heat energy is used in nuclear power plants for making electricity.
The highly destructive nuclear bomb is mainly based on  the nuclear fission, reaction of uranium and plutonium.

Nuclear fusion :-

The process in which the two nucleus of light element combined to form a heavy nucleus is called nuclear fusion. A lot  of heat energy is produced during this reaction and used in nuclear power plants for generating electricity. The process of nuclear fusion needed 'millions of degree of temperature, and ;millions of pascals of pressure, The heat released during this reaction has not been controlled so far. The process of making hydrogen bombs is bases on nuclear fusion. Hydrogen bomb is more powerful than a atom bomb.

Advantage of nuclear energy :-

1] It does not produce harmful gases like carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide.

2] It does not cause greenhouse effect.

3] It produce a large amount of energy from a small amount of nuclear fuel.

Disadvantage of nuclear power plant :-

1] Nuclear power plant neded high cost for installation.

2] The waste product of nuclear fission reactions are radioactive, and emitting harmful radiations.

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